
PWM Interface (J100)
System Interfaces
Table 24. J100 Pin Description (Continued)
Pin No. Net Name Description
28 PWMAM5 Channel 5 PWM input (differential ) positive H-bridge side
29 VALID5 Valid channel 5
30 PWMBM5 Channel 5 PWM input (differential ) negative H-bridge side
31 PWMBP5 Channel 5 PWM input (differential +) negative H-bridge side
32 GND Ground
33 PWMAP6 Channel 6 PWM input (differential +) positive H-bridge side
34 PWMAM6 Channel 6 PWM input (differential ) positive H-bridge side
35 VALID6 Valid channel 6
36 PWMBM6 Channel 6 PWM input (differential ) negative H-bridge side
37 PWMBP6 Channel 6 PWM input (differential +) negative H-bridge side
38 SDE1 Shutdown group 1 (center + left and right front speakers)
39 SDE2 Shutdown group 2 (subwoofer + left and right rear speakers)
40 ERROR0 Error signal ERR0 from TAS5110
41 ERROR1 Error signal ERR1 from TAS5110
42 RESET System reset (bidirectional)
43 PSUCOMP2 For future use
44 PSUCOMP1 For future use
45 Not Used For future use
46 Not Used For future use
47 +3.3V 3.3-V supply voltage for the modulator module (e.g., the TAS5026REF)
48 GND Ground
49 +5V 5-V supply voltage
50 +5V 5-V supply voltage