RS-232 Command
Serial Interface RS-232 Command
This controller supports projectors with a RS-232 serial interface. There are two types of serial commands:
• Operation command: Available menu options are INPUT, PICTURE, LAMP, ALIGNMENT, CONTROL,
• Simulated IR remote controller commands: Controls projector with serial command analog IR remote con-
troller and its control keys.
Communication Parameter Setup
You can use the serial control command to input commands for projector control or retrieve its operational
data through Windows client terminal software, e.g. Hyper Terminal, with ASCII characters. You need to set
up the following communication parameters in advance:
Item Parameter
Bit per Second 9600
Data Bit 8-bit
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None
Port None
The terminal software does not return every command input character
The transmission performance would vary with the matching length of RS-232 cable and transmission speed. Please select proper
transmission from the OSD menu.
Operation Commands
Operation command syntax
An operation command is prefixed by character "op", followed by control commands and settings separated
by space blank [SP], and ended by carriage return pair "CR" and "ASCII hex 0D". Syntax of serial control
op [SP]<operation command>[SP]<Setting Value>[CR]
: A constant indicating this is an operation command.
: Indicate one blank space.
: Indicate the command ending carriage return pair "CR" and "ASCII hex 0D".
Setting value : Settings of operation command
Types of setup strings Characters of settings Description
Query current setup ? Question mark "?" indicates querying current setup
Setup = <settings> Syntax of settings: Symbol "=" suffixed with setup
Increase setup order of
adjustment items
+ Some settings are changed in steps. Symbol "+"
indicates changing one step up
Decrease setup order of
adjustment items
- Some settings are changed in steps. Symbol "-"
indicates changing one step down
Execute operation command None Certain operation commands execute after input
without further setting or regulators.