Delivering a Codec Server
DSP servers built with Configuro do not require a package to build the
server itself, but you must create one to produce a server deliverable. In
that package, you must include both the server executable and the
Configuro-generated "package/info/*" files.
While each Configuro-using makefile is different, here's an example of
how the server package generation may look. Here we auto-generate an
XDC package from the given package name $(SERVER_PKG), given
the server executable name $(SERVER_EXE), and config name
$(CONFIGPKG), knowing that Configuro-generated files are in the
$(CONFIGPKG) directory:
SERVER_PKG := ti.sdo.ce.examples.servers.video_copy.evmDM6446
SERVER_PKG_ARCHIVE := $(subst .,_,$(SERVER_PKG)).tar
# create server release package and archive it; the package
# contains the executable and some meta-info files
@echo "Creating server release:"
@rm -rf package package.*
@echo "package $(SERVER_PKG) {}" > package.xdc
@echo "Pkg.otherFiles = ['./$(SERVER_EXE)','package/info']" \
> package.bld
@mkdir package ; cp -R $(CONFIGPKG)/package/info package
@rm -f package.bld package.mak .[idle]*
For this example to work, the makefile and the server executable must be
in a directory whose path ends with
"ti/sdo/ce/examples/servers/video_copy/evmDM6446", because that is
the name we have given to the server package.
See ti/sdo/ce/examples/servers/video_copy/evmDM6446/makefile for an