Test Summary
2.4 Procedure
2.4.1 AC Adapter Detection Threshold
1. Make sure EQUIPMENT SETUP steps are followed. Turn on PS#2.
2. Turn on PS#1
Measure → V(J5(SYS)) = 0 ± 500mV
Measure → V(TP(VREF)) = 0V ± 1000mV
Measure → V(TP(REGN)) = 0V ± 500mV
3. Increase the output voltage on PS#1 until D5 (PG) on but do not exceed 5V. Set the power supply #2
to 1.8V ± 100mVDC
Measure → V(J1(VIN)) = 4.5V ± 0.5V
Measure → V(J5(SYS)) = 4.5V ± 0.5V
Measure → V(TP(VREF)) = 3.3V ± 200mV
Measure → V(TP(REGN)) = 0V ± 500mV
Measure → D4 (/ACDRV) on, D5 (PG) on
2.4.2 Charger Regulation Voltage
1. Increase the voltage of PS#1 until V(J1(VIN)) = 24V ± 0.1V.
Measure → V(J5(BAT, GND)) = 0V ± 1V
2. Put JP5 on (Enable the charging).
Observe → D3 (CE) on.
Measure → Peak V(J5(BAT)) = 21.0V ± 1V (bq2461x)
Measure → Peak V(J5(BAT)) = 18.0V ± 1V (bq2463x)
Measure → V(TP(REGN)) = 6V ± 500mV
2.4.3 Charge Current and AC Current Regultion (DPM)
1. Take off JP5 (Disable the charging).
2. Connect the Load #2 in series with a current meter (multimeter) to J5 (BAT, GND). Make sure a
voltage meter is connected across J5 (BAT, GND). Turn on the Load #2. Set the output voltage to 12V
(bq2461x) or 2V (bq2463x).
3. Connect the output of the Load #1 in series with a current meter (multimeter) to J5 (SYS, GND). Make
sure a voltage meter is connected across J5 (SYS, GND). Turn on the power of the Load #1. Set the
load current to 3.0A ± 50mA but disable the load #1. The setup is now like Figure 1 for HPA422. Make
sure Ibat = 0A ± 10mA and Isys = 0A ± 10mA.
4. Put JP5 on (Enable the charging).
Observe → D3 (CE) on
Measure → Ibat = 300mA ± 200mA (bq2461x)
Measure → Ibat = 125mA ± 60mA (bq2463x)
Observe → D7 (STAT1) on; D8 (STAT2) off.
5. Set the Load #2 output voltage to 16.5V.
Measure → Ibat = 3000mA ± 300mA
Observe → D7 (STAT1) on; D8 (STAT2) off.
6. Enable the output of the Load #1
Measure → Isys = 3000mA ± 200mA, Ibat = 1400mA ± 500mA, Iin = 4000mA ± 500mA
7. Turn off the Load #1.
Measure → Isys = 0 ± 100mA, Ibat = 3000mA ± 300mA.
8. Increase the Load #2 output voltage from 16.5V to 22V (61x) or 19V (63x).
Measure → Isys = 0 ± 100mA, Ibat = 0mA ± 100mA.
Observe → D7 (STAT1) off; D8 (STAT2) on.
9. Decrease the Load #2 output voltage back to 16.5V.
Observe → D7 (STAT1) on; D8 (STAT2) off.
bq2461x/bq2463x EVM (HPA422) Multi-Cell Synchronous Switch-Mode Charger SLUU396A–January 2010–Revised July 2010
Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated