
Initial System Checkout
After you’ve installed all internal options and external cabling, you’re ready
for system checkout and software configuration.
To check out the system, set the power switch on the notebook to the On (
position which initiates the notebook self test. During self test execution,
the computer checks the operation of all key hardware including memory
and CPU (and displays copyright and version number data during test
Upon successful conclusion of self test, the computer automatically loads its
operating system and Windows environment. If self test fails to complete
and an error message is displayed, try powering down the computer for a
couple of minutes and turning power back on to repeat self test. If the error
message persists, refer to Section 6 for troubleshooting information.
Configuring the System
The first time you power up the notebook, it automatically runs the Setup
Program which prompts you for country name and printer type. You will exit
Windows and the notebook begins unzipping files and preparing the
software for use.
Making Backups of System Software
The Notebook is preloaded with Windows 95 or Windows for Workgroups
operating system software. Prior to extended use of the notebook, create a
backup set of diskettes containing the system software for use in the event
you have to rebuild the software system ( you can restore your system using
the Restore Utility and a set of backup diskettes).
Loading Application Software
For assistance in loading Application Software, refer to Chapter 5 in the
Extensa Series Notebook Computer User’s Reference Manual.