Interactive Tests
The PC-Doctor diagnostic test includes a suite of seven Interactive tests that
require operator input during the course of the test. The Interactive Tests
category includes:
• Keyboard- tests the keyboard keys, LEDs and repeat
• Video-tests the LCD and external VGA character sets, and
• Speaker-tests the volume response at different frequencies.
• Mouse-tests the mouse driver, buttons and functionality
• Joystick*- calibrates the external joystick connected to the
system and tests the joystick buttons
• Diskette Drive- checks diskette drive functionality
• Maximum System Load- thoroughly exercises system to the
maximum extent possible for performing system "burn-in and
• Printer Test- tests the operation of a connected printer
• SCSI Test*- sends test codes to attached SCSI devices
(requires use of a Docking System with SCSI)
• CD-ROM Test* - checks out any attached CD-ROM Drive
(requires attachment of a Docking System with CD-ROM
*devices available when certain external options are installed.
Supporting Online Documentation
The PC-Doctor Diagnostic contains the following online information sources:
• Online Technical Manual- selected at any time by pressing F1 key twice
or by clicking on the Question Mark in the upper left hand corner of any
PC-Doctor Menu
• On-line Help system that provides context sensitive information from
every PC-Doctor screen- accessed by pressing F1 key once (pressing F1
twice gets you into the online manual)
4-12 Troubleshooting Procedures