
do about them, plus how to restore MS-DOS system files to your hard disk in case they are
erased for some reason.
Appendix F - Configuring Memory describes the TravelMate 3000 WinSX's standard
memory and the memory options available for the computer.
Appendix G - Connector Pin Assignments lists the signals produced by the connectors
provided on the TravelMate 3000 WinSX.
Appendix H - Screen Standards lists the characteristics of the various display adapters
supported by the TravelMate 3000 WinSX.
A Glossary of frequently used technical terms and an
Index are included near the back of the manual to help you.
Getting Support for Your TI Product, Warranty and Service, and a Repair Request
Form at the back of the manual describe the standard warranty and outline the proccdure
to follow if your TravelMate 3000 WinSX Notebook Computer ever needs service.