
Appendix G - Connector Pin Assignments lists the signals produced by the connectors
provided on the TravelMate 3000.
Appendix H - Screen Standards lists the characteristics of the various display adapters
supported by the TravelMate 3000.
A Glossary of frequently used technical terms and an
Index are included near the back of the manual to help you.
Warranty and Service at the back of the manual describes the standard warranty and
outlines the procedure to follow if your TravelMate 3000 ever requires service.
Other Manuals About the TravelMate 3000
The following manuals are furnished with your new TravelMate 3000 to help you operate
your computer.
Title Part Number
BatteryPro & Productivity Software 2566930-0001
User's Manual
MS-DOS User's Manual 2566932-0001