165-072011 THCD-100 Power Supply Page 12 of 28
4.3. Front Panel Screens
Here follows a complete breakdown of all THCD-100 screens:
a) Main Screen (not changing setpoint)
The main screen comes in two forms. The first shows the main channel input data (with
range, fullscale and calibration applied) and the associated units string. If an input is over
range (more than 15% above full scale voltage) then the data value is replaced with the
over range error – “RANGE!”. This screen also shows the current mode of the setpoint, if
not in AUTO (i.e. OPEN or CLOSE). If either of the relays have been tripped then they
are also indicated as such on the far right of the screen.
Switch Functions:
Func No function *
◄ Go to Main Menu screen
► Enable setpoint mode override, active for 2 seconds
► (override mode) Change setpoint mode to AUTO
▲ Change setpoint value (main screen changes as below)
▲ (override mode) Change setpoint mode to OPEN
▼ Change setpoint value (main screen changes as below)
▼ (override mode) Change setpoint mode to CLOSE
Zero Perform input rezero (if held for 3 seconds)
* By default, the Func switch does nothing while this screen is displayed.
Main Screen (changing setpoint)
The other form of main screen is shown when changing the live setpoint (via an initial press of the
‘▲’ or ‘▼’ switches). All the information shown on the first main screen is shown here (albeit some
items are resized or repositioned) but in addition the current setpoint value is also shown. Note that
this screen is not permanent – if the ‘▲’ or ‘▼’ switches are not pressed at all for 5 seconds, then the
main screen reverts to the first variety shown previously.
Switch Functions:
No function*
(See (a) above)
◄ Go to Main Menu screen
► Enable setpoint mode override, active for 2 seconds
► (override mode) Change setpoint mode to AUTO
▲ Change setpoint value (hold for continuous change)
▲ (override mode) Change setpoint mode to OPEN
▼ Change setpoint value (hold for continuous change
▼ (override mode) Change setpoint mode to CLOSE
Zero Perform input rezero (if held for 3 seconds)