BioOptix™ 10
Section 3 Operation
The default method file contains five blocks that are appropriate
for use with affinity column purification:
• Equilibrate – conditions the column.
• Load – loads the sample onto the column.
• Wash – washes compounds from the column that do not
bind to the column media.
• Elute – pumps a buffer solution to release the purified
compounds from the column.
• Post Run– flushes any remaining compounds from the
column to prepare the column for the next purification
run, storage, or disposal.
3.5.1 Equilibrate Settings This block conditions the column and fills the column with the
desired buffer solution for starting the purification.
Figure 3-2 Equilibrate tab settings
The Equilibrate tab (Figure 3-2) contains the following:
• Fluid, %B – Enter the desired mix of buffer fluid as a
percentage of Buffer B.
• Flow Rate, mL/min – Enter the desired flow rate, from 0.5
to 12 mL/min.
• Volume, mL – Enter the total amount of Buffer fluid to
pump during this block.
• Collect Effluent – Select the desired action for effluent
fluid as it comes off the column. Selecting No diverts the
effluent to a channel waste port. Selecting Ye s sends the
fluid to the fraction collector. If Ye s is selected, enter a
fraction size in mL. The fraction collector will advance to
the next row of tubes after collecting the entered
• Pause at End – Select Ye s to have the system wait for
operator intervention after completing this block. Select
No to automatically advance to the next block.