Manual 111-082010_Nall Mass Flowmeters Page 5 of 23
1.0 General Information
1.1 Features:
Hastings Linear Mass Flowmeters are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or
compensations for gas pressure and temperature. Due to a linear electrical output signal, the flowmeters are
ideal for use with totalizers and recorders. Hastings Linear Mass Flowmeters do not require any periodic
maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of
moderate overpressures, overflows, or liquid solvents.
The standard flowmeter calibration is for air. Special calibrations for most other gases such as oxygen,
nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, are available on special order, or by use of a gas multiplier.
Special calibrations are noted by the following options such as OPT-G (special gas) or OPT-R (special
range) and OPT-GR (special gas and range).
Standard HS-Series transducer and L-Series laminar flow elements are available with 300 Series stainless
steel or monel construction. U-Series low pressure drop transducers are constructed of monel.
The basic flowmeter is available in either a cabinet model or a NIM panel. The NIM model can be mounted
side by side in groups of three, in an optional NIM frame. Chassis models are available on special order.