Model 9110T NOx Analyzer Troubleshooting & Service
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 298
12. Generate the same 450 ppb NO gas & input 400 ppb of O3 (or generate 450 ppb
NO & 400 ppb NO2, if that’s what your calibrator says).
13. Allow the instrument to stabilize for 10 minutes.
14. Write down the NOx value on line 6 & the NO value on line 9.
15. Subtract line 6 from line 6 & put that onto line 7.
16. Subtract line 8 from line 7 & put that onto line 10.
17. Write the number from line 7 into the blank next to letter A on line 11 & put the
number from line 10 into the blank next to letter B on line 11.
18. Divide A by B & multiply it by 100.
19. Write this value it into the blank next to letter C on lines 11 and 12.
20. Subtract that value from 100 & write it in the blank next to the letter D on line 12.
21. This is the converter efficiency.
This value should be >96%.
For CEMS applications, a converter efficiency of <96% might be acceptable,
depending on application & the guideline set up by the regulatory agency.
In any application, check with your regulatory agency (agencies) to see what
the minimum CE factor is before replacing the converter.