CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Glossary- 7
Ground (GND) coupling
Coupling option that disconnects the input signal from the vertical system.
An electronic copy of the display in a format useable by a printer or plotter.
Hi Res acquisition mode
An acquisition mode in which the instrument averages all samples taken
during an acquisition interval to create a record point. That average results in
a higher-resolution, lower-bandwidth waveform. This mode only works with
real-time, non-interpolated sampling.
The value used as 100% in automated measurements (whenever high ref,
mid ref, and low ref values are needed as in fall time and rise time measure-
ments). May be calculated using either the min/max or the histogram
method. With the min/max method (most useful for general waveforms), it is
the maximum value found. With the histogram method (most useful for
pulses), it refers to the most common value found above the mid point.
Holdoff, trigger
The time after a trigger signal that elapses before the trigger circuit will
accept another trigger signal. Trigger holdoff helps ensure a stable display.
Horizontal acquisition window
The range of the segment of the input signal that the acquisition system
Horizontal bar cursors
The two horizontal bars that you position to measure the voltage parameters
of a waveform. The instrument displays the value of the active (moveable)
cursor with respect to ground and the voltage value between the bars.
Horizontal Reference Point
The point about which the trace is expanded or contracted when horizontal
size adjustments are made. The horizontal reference point remains anchored
as the rest of the trace grows or shrinks around it.