12 Troubleshooting guide
PPrroobblleemm PPoossssiibbllee ccaauussee SSoolluuttiioonn
Various programmes not shown in
programme list
Wrong programme list selected Select different programme list (see
Sound OK, no TV picture Reception set to Radio mode Switch to TV mode
Programmes such as Pro 7, Sat 1,
TM3, Kabel 1, DSF and HOT temp-
orarily interrupted
Interference from DECT standard
cordless telephones
Increase distance between phone
base station and receiver
Unit controls cannot be operated Defective data flow-->unit blocked Disconnect mains plug for approx. 5
seconds, then switch unit on again
Remote control not working Batteries empty Change batteries
Temporary appearance of small
square blocks in picture, unit temp-
orarily freezes picture, no sound.
Screen temporarily black with
message “no signal”.
Heavy rain or snow Remove snow from dish
Antenna not correctly adjusted Adjust antenna position
Dish too small for location Fit larger antenna, adjust antenna
Obstruction between dish and
satellite, e.g. wall, tree
Mount antenna with free line of sight
No picture, no sound,
display active
Short circuit in LNC cable Switch off unit, fix short circuit,
switch unit on again
Defective or missing cable conne-
Check all cable connections
Faulty LNC Replace LNC
Incorrect reception unit set on rece-
Adjust setting (see Point 6.4)
Antenna incorrectly adjusted Adjust antenna
No picture, no sound,
display not active
No mains power Check mains power cord and plug
No reception of programmes
previously received
Antenna maladjusted or faulty Check antenna
Programme now broadcast on
another transponder
Perform scan (see Point 8.3)
Programme no longer being
Antenna will not turn Motor not DiSEqC 1.2 compatible Use compatible motor
Bed_Anl_Digicorder_englisch 18.03.2004 14:10 Uhr Seite 69