
AAC-LD is enabled (see chapter Audio Algorithm)
Audio In (VCR) is On (see chapter Audio). If audio from VCR is too low, this level can be
adjusted in Audio Settings, Inputs, Level Settings. The audio from the VCR will be audible
in the local speaker system.
To enable VCR/DVD ducking (reduce volume when speaking), check that VCR Ducking
under Audio Settings is set to On.
Note that the audio from the VCR/DVD and your microphone(s) will be mixed and sent to the far
end. When a person talks on either local or far end, the VCR/DVD audio level will automatically
be reduced to make it easier to comment on a video recording when Audio Settings, VCR
Ducking: On.
VCR - Recording
When recording, the VCR will record the video as it appears on the main monitor, the local audio
and the audio from the far end.
When recording a videoconference, connect a cable between Video Out 2 on the system and
Video In on the VCR. Connect a cable between Audio Out 2 on the system and Audio In on the
Note that a system with one video output and one mixed (local and far end) audio output is
required for recording. For playback, a system with one video input and one audio input
without integrated echo cancellation is required.