
TANDBERG FieldView Device User Guide
D14041.02 January 2008
6.2. Checking Status
The Main Menu offers a number of options for checking status, as shown at
right. To view status information:
1. Starting from the default Viewnder display, press the Display button three
times to display the Main Menu.
2. From the Main Menu, tap the StatusMenu option to display a second menu
with Status options.
3. Tap a status option to view a Status screen for that item. For example, see
Power Status at right.
To dismiss a Status window and return to the Status menu, tap it with the
stylus, or click the Display button.
4. Contact your system administrator for more information on any particular
status item and what it means.
6.3. Viewing Local Contacts
The Local Contacts directory contains a list of names and addresses that can
be called from the FieldView Device. To start a call, Operators can display the
Local Contacts by tapping Directory in the Main Menu, selecting a name and
then tapping the Dial button on the screen.
However, the quickest way to access the Local Contacts from the viewnder is
to press the Send button, as described on page 8.
If you are logged in as a user with FieldView Device administrator privileges,
you may edit or delete existing contacts or create new ones. Note that these
changes are not forwarded to other devices.
6.4. ManagingFiles
The File Browser allows you to organize and play recorded videos.
The Folder pane displays the folders in which video recordings are saved. Use
the Scroll bar to browse through long lists of folders.
The File pane displays the image snapshots and video recordings saved in the
selected folder on the SD card. Use the scroll arrows on the right to browse
through long list of les.
The options in the Controls list allow you to:
Rename folders and les
Create new folders
Delete folders and les
Play video recordings
Display still images
Share still images
Format the storage card
Session Folders and File Names
When you capture a snapshot or record a video, the FieldView Device creates
a session folder on the SD card in which it saves these les. The name of the
folder is based on the date, time, and user names using the convention:
yymmdd is the date of the session
hhmmss is the time that the session started (Present only if connected to a
FieldView Application.)
FieldViewApplicationuser is the user name that is logged into the FieldView
Application (Present only if connected to a FieldView Application.)
FieldViewDeviceuser is the user name that is logged into the FieldView
Status options.
Status window for Power.
File pane
File Browser screen.
Folder pane
Controls list
Local Contacts screen