How to use the Time Delay
Time Delay is available on the Pressure
Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice and Steam menus
only. The Pressure Cooker allows you to delay
the start of your cooking so that cooking
finishes when you need it.
Note: Do not use the Time Delay when the
recipe has perishable ingredients such as
meat, fish, eggs, or dairy as these may spoil.
1. Set the MENU and cooking TIME using
the instructions on pages 15 to 22.
2. After setting the cooking TIME, press the
DELAY button, 0:00 and DELAY will flash
on the LCD screen to indicate the unit is
being programmed on the delay setting.
3. Press the
and buttons, until you
reach the number of hours and minutes
your want your cooked to be delayed. I.e.
set the amount of time you wish to start
the delay of your cooking cycle.
4. Press START button to commence the
delay program. DELAY will stop flashing to
indicate the unit has been set on the delay
setting. The LCD screen will countdown
the delay time until 0:00 is reached.
When 0:00 is reached, DELAY will remove
from the screen to show that time delay
has finished, and TIME will be display to
show that cooking time will commence.
The unit will begin to gain pressure. As
per the previous menu instructions, when
the unit is gaining pressure, ‘Cooking’ will
flash in the LCD screen and the time will
not count down. When pressure has been
reached, ‘Cooking’ will stop flashing and
the time will begin to count down.
It’s 4pm and you want to have 12 cups
of white rice cooked and ready in 2 hours
time for dinner at 6pm. You want to set the
machine now so you are free to do other
By looking at the Rice Cooking chart on page
19, you see it takes 15 minutes to cook.
Time to gain pressure varies according to
humidity and water temperature, but say it
takes 15 minutes to gain pressure. Therefore
total time is 30 minutes. Therefore to have
the rice ready by 6pm, you will need to delay
the start of your cooking by approximately 1
hour and 30 minutes.
1. Set the MENU to rice
2. Set the cooking TIME to 00:15
3. Press the DELAY button and set for 01:30
4. Press START