4 Cisco MDS 9222i Switch and 18/4-port Module Hardware Release Notes • April 2008
■ Solaris 10
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (IA32/AMD64)
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (IA32/AMD64)
■ SuSE Linux 9 Professional Community Edition (IA32/AMD64)
■ SuSE Linux 10 Professional Community Edition (IA32/AMD64)
Microsoft Windows
■ Windows Server 2000 (IA32)
■ Windows Server 2003 (IA32/AMD64)
■ HP/UX Version 11.0, 11i
■ IBM AIX Version 5.3
Supported Management Software
You can manage the MDS 9222i switch and MSM-18/4 module using any of the
following software management tools:
■ Application programming interface (API) for integration with third-party and
user-developed management tools
■ Cisco Fabric Manager
■ Cisco MDS 9000 family CLI
■ Cisco Quick Configuration wizard
See “Related Documentation” on page 9 for further information.