technical specification (chap.6). The battery charger is meant for the lead-acid and lead-gel batter-
ies. Thanks to the floating charge system the battery can remain continuously connected.
2.2.4 The solar charge controller (optional)
With the built-in solar charge controller, the XP-COMPACT is a complete solar-power-center. In a
solar installation this controller ensures that the batteries are charged correctly. With the XP-
COMPACT, batteries can be charged with a generator and with the solar modules at the same
time. The charging of batteries with both energy sources is carried out fully automatically.
2.2.5 Remote control
As an option, a remote control can be connected to XP-COMPACT. Extra display and program-
ming possibilities are available on the remote control (see Chap.5). The remote control is supplied
with a 20m long cable. This cable can go to 40m long. On the remote control output power and
charging current are also monitored.
2.3 Battery connections
Lead-acid batteries are normally available in blocks of 2V, 6V or 12V. In most cases, to generate
the necessary operating voltage and the capacity of the batteries for the XP-COMPACT many bat-
teries have to be connected together in parallel and or in series. Following three examples are
2.3.1 Connection in parallel
12V 12V 12V
2.3.2 Connection in serie
2V 2V 2V 2V 2V 2V
12V 12V 12V 12V
2V 2V 2V 2V 2V 2V
2V 2V 2V 2V 2V 2V
User manual XP-COMPACT V2.0 E 6