
If the unit ope ra tes with mo tor flaps (op tio nal):
Gran ules X
target: _ % = _ °C
(X = num ber of the dry ing hop per)
En ter the ma te rial tem per a ture at which the flap (op tional) on the dry ing hop per X should close.
Con firm with the ENTER key.
This value is en tered in per cent of the tem per a ture on the hop per in let.
The ma te rial tem per a ture cal cu lated by the con trol sys tem for clos ing the
flap on the dry ing hop per X is dis played in °C.
Gran ules X
act.: _ °C
(X = num ber of the dry ing hop per)
The cur rent ma te rial tem per a ture in the dry ing hop per X is dis played in °C (op tional, if there is a
Press the ”F1"-key.
STT 300
Start-up 3-12