Take care that the de vice is not stand ing on the mains ca ble. This will pre vent dan ger to peo ple
and ma te rial!
The dry ing cells must be filled with dry ing agent be fore setting-up the dryer (only STT 1600,
STT 2400). This will pre vent dam age of ma te rial!
Check 5 hours af ter first putt ing into op er a tion that the dry ing cells are sufficiently filled with dry ing
agent (only STT 1600, STT 2400). This will pre vent dam age of ma te rial!
Ope ra ti on
Ap point an equip ment fo re man to be re spon si ble for the equip ment.
En su re that the ope ra ting per son nel are pro vi ded de tai led in struc ti on in the ope ra ti on of the
equip ment. Im pro per ope ra ti on re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents!
When the main switch is swit ched off for rea sons per tai ning to sa fe ty, it must be se cu red against
un aut ho ri zed ac ti vat ion. Cau ti on: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Re pair work may be car ried out by trai ned per son nel only. Cau ti on: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Ne ver ope ra te the equip ment when parti al ly dis mant led! Dan ger! Limbs may be caught in ma chi -
ne ry! Elec tric shock!
In case of mal functi on, shut down the equip ment im me di ate ly. Have mal functions cor rec ted im -
me di ate ly. Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The ma chi ne is in ten ded only for the dry ing of gra nu la ted plas tics. Any ot her or ad di tio nal use is
con tra ry to spe ci fi ca tions.
This equip ment is not suit ab le for food pro ces sing.
The sa fe ty in struc tions of the con nec ted ma chi nes must be fol lo wed.
Plea se note that sound le vels ex cee ding 85 db(A) may in the long term da ma ge your he alth. Use
the ap pro pria te ear muffs. This avoids im pair ment of hea ring!
Plea se note that the dry ing cells, dry ing hop pers and air pi pings grow hot du ring use. Avoid tou -
ching any of the se parts! Dan ger: In ju ry through burns!
Ne ver ope ra te the dry er wit hout side pa nels. Dan ger: Limbs may be caught in ma chi ne ry! In ju ry
through burns!
When dry ing plas tics which emit ga ses dan ge rous for hu man he alth, take care that the re ge ne ra -
ti on ex haust air is dis po sed of wit hout pol lu ting the en vi ron ment. This will pre vent dan ger to peo -
ple and ma te ri al!
Op er ate the dryer only if there is at least one dry ing hop per op er at ing. This will pre vent dam age of
ma te rial!
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Sa fe ty in struc tions 2-3