1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion
Var i ous terms and des ig na tions are used fre quently in these op er at ing in struc -
tions to en sure clar ity. There fore please note that the terms used in the text stand
for the cor re spond ing ex pla na tions listed be low.
“Equipment” can mean an individual unit, a machine or an installation.
Operating personnel
The “operating personnel” are persons operating the equipment on their own
responsibility or according to instructions (minimum age: 16).
The “operator” of the equipment (production manager, foreman, etc.) is the
person responsible for all production sequences. The operator instructs the
operating personnel of what is to be done.
Operating instructions
The “plant operating instructions” describe the interaction of the equipment,
production sequences or methods. The plant operating instructions must be
compiled by the operator of the equipment.
Equipment foreman
When several operating personnel work on one machine, the “equipment
foreman” coordinates the sequences. The equipment foreman must be
appointed by the operator.
Trained personnel
“Trained personnel” are persons who, due to their training, are authorized to carry
out the required work in good practice.
Safety in struc tions 7