
10 CFM Compressed Air Dryer Chapter 2: Functional Description 12 of 30
Identifying the Controller’s Buttons and Indicators
Button or Indicator Function
PV display
During normal operation, the PV numeric LED
indicator displays the process temperature at the To
Process thermocouple. It also lists parameters during
set-up and error messages if any errors occur.
SV display
During normal operation, the SV numeric LED
indicator displays the set point temperature selected for
the dryer. The dryer then maintains this set point
temperature. This LED indicator also displays
parameter and preset function values during
configuration set-up.
Temperature Unit display
This LED indicator displays the temperature units (ºF
or ºC) that the dryer is configured to use.
Level button The Level button is used to enter set-up. There are two
set-up levels available: Operation and Adjustment.
Mode button
The Mode button is used to scroll through paramenters
in set-up modes.
Down Arrow button The Down Arrow button is used to decrease the set
point temperature during operation. It also decreases
the parameter values in set-up modes.
Up Arrow button The Up Arrow button is used to increase the set point
temperature during operation. It also increases the
parameter values in set-up modes.
AL1 Alarm 1 indicator
The Alarm 1 indicator lights when the process
temperature exceeds the set point temperature by more
than the alarm deviation value. Alarm output de-
energizes the heaters. Heaters re-energize when the
temperature falls within the acceptable range.
AL2 Alarm 2 indicator The Alarm 2 indicator is not used.
HB Heater Burnout indicator
(Optional) The Heater Burnout indicator lights when a
heater burnout is detected. The heater burnout alarm
remains On by setting the heater burnout latch. To
reset, turn the power supply off and then on or set the
heater burnout alarm vale to 0.0A.
OT1 Output 1 indicator
The Output 1 indicator lights when the controller
signals the process heaters to be energized.
OT2 Output 2 indicator The Output 2 indicator is not used.
STOP Stop indicator
The Stop indicator lights when the controller has been
CMW Communications indicator The Communications indicator is not used.