Large Dehumidifying Dryers Controls 42
(Dew Point Setup Screen)
This screen allows the operator to set the dew point.
The HIGH DEW PT ALARM is an audible/visual alarm that will sound when the process air
dewpoint rises to this value. Values can be set between –40 through +30 degrees. The
dewpoint sensor only reads to a maximum of +15. Set the high alarm value to +30 to disable
high dewpoint alarms.
Used to configure the dewpoint switch. Regeneration will switch sides when the dewpoint
reaches the switch value. If this option is disabled, regeneration will switch sides after a set
period of time.
Used to switch regeneration at this time if dewpoint does not rise above bed switch point.
Press this button to enable or disable the SWITCH ON DEW POINT feature.
(Autostart Timer Screen)
This screen allows the operator to set the time and day that the dryer will start
Pressing PREV DAY allows the operator to scroll backward through the days of the
week to select the day they desire the dryer to start.
Pressing NEXT DAY allows the operator to scroll forward through the days of the week
to select the day they desire the dryer to start.
By touching the ON TIME and OFF TIME sections on the screen, the operator can
enter the values for the time they wish the dryer to turn on and off. The time is on a 24
hour schedule (1:00pm = 13:00). If you do not want to turn the dryer on or off, enter