Workouts Definitions
Quick Start This is the default program that allows the user to quickly jump into a workout without
having to perform any program setup; default parameters shall be used to calculate
workout data.
Warm Up Program shall perform a 7-minute operation of the Treadmill using User-Defined work-
out parameters (Weight, Gender and Age)
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Burn Fat This program shall automatically adjust incline to drive the user’s heart rate to the pro-
grammed HR limit. Program will gradually adjusts (up or down) the incline until the
user’s heart rate is at the user’s programmed limit and then continues to adjust the
resistance as necessary to hold their heart rate at the limit. This program allows the
user to define their weight, goal time (not including the 2 minute Cool Down), age,
heart rate limit and the desired maximum speed.
Constant Heart
Rate Control
This program shall automatically adjust incline to drive the user’s heart rate to the pro-
grammed HR limit. Program will gradually adjusts (up or down) the incline until the
user’s heart rate is at the user’s programmed limit and then continues to adjust the
resistance as necessary to hold their heart rate at the limit. This program allows the
user to define their weight, goal time (not including the 2 minute Cool Down), age,
heart rate limit and the desired maximum speed.
Dynamic Heart
Rate Control
This program shall automatically control the speed and incline of the treadmill to alter-
nate the user’s heart rate between user-defined upper and lower limits. Program will
gradually elevate the user’s heart rate to the upper end of their selected training range
and then gradually decreases their heart rate to the lower end of their selected
range. This cycle shall repeat several times creating an interval training effect. Pro-
gram allows the user to define their weight, goal time (not including 2 minute Cool
Down), age, upper heart rate limit, lower heart rate limit and desired maximum workout
Speed Interval This program automatically controls speed increases and decreases at the users pre-
ferred incline at one minute intervals.
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Strength Program shall perform a protocol to provide optimal interval training by taking the user
through various terrains to improve their caloric expenditure and cardiovascular capac-
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Endurance This program shall automatically adjust incline to drive the user’s heart rate to the pro-
grammed HR limit. Program will gradually adjust (up or down) the incline until the
user’s heart rate is at the user’s programmed limit and then continues to adjust the
resistance as necessary to hold their heart rate at the limit. This program allows the
user to define their weight, goal time (not including the 2 minute Cool Down), age,
heart rate limit and the desired maximum speed.
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5K Time Trial Program shall perform a distance based operation of the Treadmill using pre-defined
distance goal of 5 kilometers.
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Fitness Test The Fitness Test is a modified version of the Balke and Ware protocol for maximal
VO2 treadmill testing. The test has been modified to last 12 minutes with a maximum
incline of 12%. During the Fitness Test, treadmill speed remains at a constant 3.4
mph. Heart rate results are compared with charted data for corresponding age and
gender and test results include calculated VO2 max.
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