EC/EN (1001) 5.1 1
EC Declaration of conformity
(Directive 2006/42/EC, appendix II-A)
SPX Process Equipment NL B.V.
Dr. A.F. Philipsweg 51
9403 AD Assen
The Netherlands
hereby declares that all pumps member of productfamilies
CombiBloc, CombiBlocHorti,
CombiChem, CombiDirt, CombiFlex(U)(B), CombiPrime H, CombiLine, CombiLineBloc,
CombiMag, CombiMagBloc, CombiNorm, CombiPro(M)(V), CombiPrime V, CombiSump,
MCV)(S), PHA, MDR whether delivered without drive (last position of serial number = B),
or delivered as an assembly with drive (last position of serial number = A), are in
conformity with the provisions of Directive 2006/42/EC (as altered most recently) and
where applicable the following directives and standards:
• EC directive 2006/95/EG, "Electric equipment for use within certain voltage limits"
• standards EN-ISO 12100 part 1 & 2, EN 809
The pumps to which this declaration refers may only be put into operation after they have
been installed in the way prescribed by the manufacturer, and, as the case may be, after
the complete system of which these pumps form part, has been made to fulfil the
requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC (as altered most recently).
Declaration of incorporation
(Directive 2006/42/EC, appendix II-B)
SPX Process Equipment NL B.V.
Dr. A.F. Philipsweg 51
9403 AD Assen
The Netherlands
hereby declares that the partly completed pump (Back-Pull-Out unit), member of
CombiBloc, CombiBlocHorti, CombiChem, CombiDirt, CombiFlex(U)(B),
CombiPrime H, CombiLine, CombiLineBloc, CombiMag, CombiMagBloc, CombiNorm,
CombiPro(M)(V), CombiPrime V, FRE, FRES, FREF, FREM, KGE(L), KGEF, HCR, PHA, MDR
in conformity with the following standards:
• EN-ISO 12100 parts 1 & 2, EN 809
and that this partly completed pump is meant to be incorporated into the specified pump
unit and may only be put into use after the complete machine of which the pump under
consideration forms part has been made and declared to comply with that directive.
Assen, January 1st 2010
G.A. Schaafsma,
General Manager