36 Using Your BlackBerry® 8830
Finding Help With Other Features
ᮣ To access a full list of help topics for your BlackBerry® device, click Help ()
from the Home screen.
ᮣ To access a list of topics that are associated with the program that you
are using, press and then click Help.
ᮣ To open the main list of topics for all programs, press and then click
Index from any open Help screen.
User Guide
The full user guide for your BlackBerry® device, can be found on the BlackBerry
User Tools CD that was packaged with your device.
Additional Resources
If you use the BlackBerry® Internet Service, log in to your account using a desktop
browser. (See “Installing the BlackBerry® Desktop Software” on page 32 for more
information.) On the menu bar, click
Help to view the BlackBerry® Internet Service
Online Help for more information about email message troubleshooting.
If you use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software, on the menu bar, click Help to find
the BlackBerry® Desktop Software Online Help and the BlackBerry® User Guide.