Additional Information
• “AVCHD” and the “AVCHD” logo are
trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony
• Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other
• , “XMB,” and “xross media bar” are
trademarks of Sony Corporation and Sony
Computer Entertainment Inc.
• This product incorporates High-Definition
Multimedia Interface (HDMI™) technology.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition
Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered
trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
• “Blu-ray Disc” is a trademark.
• “Blu-ray Disc,” “DVD+RW,” “DVD-RW,”
“DVD+R,” “DVD-R,” “DVD VIDEO,” and
“CD” logos are trademarks.
• “BD-LIVE,” “BD-LIVE” logo, and
“BONUSVIEW” are trademarks of Blu-ray Disc
• “Blu-ray 3D” and “Blu-ray 3D” logo are
trademarks of Blu-ray Disc Association.
• “x.v.Color” and “x.v.Color” logo are trademarks
of Sony Corporation.
• “BRAVIA” is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
• “PhotoTV HD” and the “PhotoTV HD” logo are
trademarks of Sony Corporation.
• MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology and
patents licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and
, DivX Certified
and associated logos are
registered trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used
under license (Canada models only).
• Windows Media is either a registered trademark
or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
This product is protected by certain intellectual
property rights of Microsoft Corporation. Use or
distribution of such technology outside of this
product is prohibited without a license from
Microsoft or an authorized Microsoft subsidiary.
• This product meets ENERGY STAR
for energy efficiency.
are registered U.S. marks. ENERGY STAR is a
registered mark owned by the U.S. government.
• Music and video recognition technology and
related data are provided by Gracenote
Gracenote is the industry standard in music
recognition technology and related content
delivery. For more information, please visit
CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and music and video-
related data from Gracenote, Inc., copyright ©
2000-present Gracenote. Gracenote Software,
copyright © 2000-present Gracenote. One or
more patents owned by Gracenote apply to this
product and service. See the Gracenote website
for a nonexhaustive list of applicable Gracenote
patents. Gracenote, CDDB, MusicID,
MediaVOCS, the Gracenote logo and logotype,
and the “Powered by Gracenote” logo are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Gracenote
in the United States and/or other countries.
, the DLNA Logo and DLNA
are trademarks, service marks, or
certification marks of the Digital Living Network
• Other system and product names are generally
trademarks or registered trademarks of the
manufacturers. ™ and ® marks are not indicated
in this document.
Copyrights and Trademarks