1.2.1 User Mode
● Select Driving Mode:
You have an option to choose the positioner’s movement
type: Continuous, Step or Time.
● Position the antenna with north, south, east and west and
use the / , / key to drive motor. key drives to
west, key drives to east, key drives to north and
key drives to south.
● If you finished driving of motor, select “Store current
Position.” and press key, to reset new driving motor.
NNoottee : The level indicated in the “Signal Status” is only for reference.
The signal quality may be adequate even though the level indicated is
not maximum.
● Go to Stored Position.
When the stored position is reached then screen displays "Stop",
you can now continue with the further operations.
● Select the Calculate Sat Positions to recalculate the satellite position and key.
1.2.2 Installer Mode
After checking the positioner’s state, installer should use this
menu. He should set the “Disable Limits” before using User
● Select the Drive Motor West/East and use the /
keys to drive motor.
key drives to west and key drives to east.
● Select “Enable Limit”, in order to enable “Set Limit”.
● Select “Disable Limit”, in order to disable “Set Limit”.
● Select “Reset Positioner” and key to reset positioner.
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