
How to read the online manual
Detailed information on the Memory Stick Camera application,
PictureGear Pocket application, and CLIÉ Paint is provided in the online
manual on the supplied CD-ROM.
To view the online manual, the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or
higher, must be installed on your computer.
1 Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM
drive .
The install screen appears automatically.
2 Click Manuals.
3 Double-click an appropriate PDF-formatted manual.
For "Memory Stick" Camera Application, select [Memory Stick
Camera Manual.pdf].
For PictureGear Pocket, select [PictureGear Pocket Manual.pdf].
For CLIÉ Paint, select [CLIÉ Paint Manual.pdf].
If the Acrobat Reader software is not installed or is a version
earlier than 4.0
1 Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM
The install screen appears automatically.
2 Click Exit.
3 Double-click the My Computer icon on your Windows
4 Right-click the CD-ROM drive icon, and click Open from the
shortcut menu.
5 Double-click the PC folder.
6 Double-click the Acrobat folder.
7 Double-click the ar500enu.exe to install Acrobat Reader onto
your computer.