
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
P12 DVSS - Ground terminal
P14 DVSS - Ground terminal
P36 NFRBN2 O Ready/busy selection signal output terminal Not used
P38 NFRBN O Ready/busy selection signal output to the NAND ash
P40 VCC2IO - Power supply terminal (+1.8V)
P42 VCC2IO - Power supply terminal (+1.8V)
R1 FE_ING O Sub beam (G) input from the BD drive
R3 FE_INC O Main beam (C) input from the BD drive
R5 FE_TRINB - Not used
R7 FE_TRIND - Not used
R9 FE_AVDD12_2 - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
R35 DVSS - Ground terminal
R37 B_RDQ25 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
R39 B_RDQ30 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
R41 B_RDQ29 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
R43 B_RDQ26 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
T2 FE_INH O Sub beam (H) input from the BD drive
T4 FE_FPDODVD I Laser power monitor signal input from the BD drive
T6 FE_IND O Main beam (D) input from the BD drive
T8 FE_DVDD12I - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
T10 FE_DVDD12I - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
T12 DVSS - Ground terminal
T14 DVSS - Ground terminal
T36 B_RDQ28 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
T38 B_RDQ27 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
T40 B_RDQ24 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
T42 B_RDQ31 I/O Two-way data bus with the SD-RAM
U1 FE_INF O Sub beam (F) input from the BD drive
U3 FE_FOIN - Not used
U5 FE_FPDOCD - Not used
U7 FE_V14 O Reference voltage (+1.4V) output for the motor drive circuit
U9 FE_AVDD33 - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
U11 FE_DVDD12I - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
U13 DVSS - Ground terminal
U15 DVSS - Ground terminal
U35 DVSS - Ground terminal
U37 DVSS - Ground terminal
U39 DVSS - Ground terminal
U41 B_RDQS3B O Data strobe signal (negative) output to the SD-RAM
U43 B_RDQS3 O Data strobe signal (positive) output to the SD-RAM
V2 FE_FOIP - Not used
V4 FE_REG_CAP - Not used
V6 FE_INE O Sub beam (E) input from the BD drive
V8 FE_AVDD33 - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
V10 FE_DVDD12I - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
V12 DVSS - Ground terminal
V14 DVSS - Ground terminal
V36 B_RDQM3 O Data mask signal output to the SD-RAM
V38 B_RDQM2 O Data mask signal output to the SD-RAM
V40 VCC2IO - Power supply terminal (+1.8V)
V42 VCC2IO - Power supply terminal (+1.8V)
W1 FE_RFIP2 I DVD RF signal (positive) input from the BD drive
W3 FE_RFIN2 I DVD RF signal (negative) input from the BD drive
W5 FE_AGND - Ground terminal
W7 FE_AGND - Ground terminal
W9 FE_AVDD33 - Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
W11 FE_DVDD12I - Power supply terminal (+1.2V)
W13 DVSS - Ground terminal
W15 DVSS - Ground terminal
W21 VCCK - Power supply terminal (+1.1V)