
D30/31 Mode
EVI-D30/D31 EVI-D70/P
Parameters Gain (dB) Parameters Gain (dB)
0000h -3 b 0000h -3
0001h 0 b 0001h 0
0002h 3 b 0003h 4
0003h 6 b 0004h 6
0004h 9 b 0006h 10
0005h 12 b 0007h 12
0006h 15 b 0009h 16
0007h 18 b 000Ah 18
Gain conversion
• Parameter conversion when a command is received
D30/D31 parameters are converted to D70/P
parameters according to the table below.
EVI-D30/D31 EVI-D70/P
Parameters Iris Parameters Iris
0000h CLOSE b 0000h CLOSE
0001h F28 b 0001h F22
0002h F22 b 0001h F22
0003h F19 b 0002h F19
0004h F16 b 0003h F16
0005h F14 b 0004h F14
0006h F11 b 0005h F11
0007h F9.6 b 0006h F9.6
0008h F8 b 0007h F8
0009h F6.8 b 0008h F6.8
000Ah F5.6 b 0009h F5.6
000Bh F4.8 b 000Ah F4.8
000Ch F4 b 000Bh F4
000Dh F3.4 b 000Ch F3.4
000Eh F2.8 b 000Dh F2.8
000Fh F2.4 b 000Eh F2.4
0010h F2 b 000Fh F2
0011h F1.8 b 0010h F1.6
Iris conversion
• Parameter conversion when a command is received
D30/D31 parameters are converted to D70/P
parameters according to the table below.
Parameter conversion when query commands are
D70/P parameters are converted to D30/D31
parameters and sent back.
Parameter conversion when query commands are
D70/P parameters are converted to D30/D31
parameters and sent back.