
DVW-790WSP/709WSP/707P P2V1
2-1-2. Contents of Setup Menu
This section describes all menu items that appear when the service mode is selected.
(The items shown in halftone appear only in the service mode.)
(Values in square [|] of the Setup column indicate the default value when shipped from factory.)
No. Page Item Setup Description
1 MARKER 1/3 SAFETY ZONE [ON]/OFF Sets the safety zone marker display to ON or OFF.
SAFETY AREA 80%/ 90% /100% Sets the safety zone area to 80 %, 90 % or 100 %.
CENTER ON/[OFF] Sets the center marker display to ON to OFF.
CENTER H X ([0]) Moves the center marker horizontally.
CENTER V X ([0]) Moves the center marker vertically.
2 MARKER 2/3 BOX CURSOR ON/[OFF] Sets the box cursor display to ON or OFF.
Note : The box cursor does not appear in the following cases.
The WIDE SCREEN page BOX/4:3/14:9 LIMIT is set to
any other item than BOX.
The WIDE SCREEN page BOX/4:3/14:9 MODE is set to
4:3, while the VF ASPECT is set to 16:9A or 16:9B.
BOX WIDTH X ([0]) Changes the width of the box cursor.
BOX HEIGHT X ([0]) Changes the height of the box cursor.
BOX H X ([0]) Moves the box cursor horizontally.
BOX V X ([0]) Moves the box cursor vertically.
Turns ON/OFF the function of outputting the VF marker to TEST OUT.
Turns ON/OFF the function of mixing the VF marker with return video.
Turns ON/OFF the function of outputting the character to TEST OUT
where the character is displayed on VF when the VF DISPLAY
switch is set to ON.
TEST OUT MENU ON/[OFF] Turns ON/OFF the function of outputting the menu to TEST OUT
where the menu is displayed on VF when the MENU ON/OFF/PAGE
switch is set to ON.
Note :
When an RM is connected, the menu is forced to be outputted
regardless of this menu setting.
RM VF MENU INH. [ON]/OFF ON : The menu is not displayed even through the MENU switch
is set to ON when an RM is connected.
OFF : The menu is displayed when the MENU switch is set to ON
even though an RM is connected.
4 VF DISP 1/2 DISP MODE 1/2/[3] Set the display mode. (For details, refer to the Operation Manual.)
EXTENDER [ON]/OFF Sets the extender display to ON or OFF.
ZOOM [ON]/OFF Sets the zoom position display to ON or OFF.
5 VF DISP 2/2 FILTER [ON]/OFF Sets the filter display to ON or OFF.
WHITE [ON]/OFF Sets the white balance display to ON or OFF.
GAIN [ON]/OFF Sets the gain selection value display to ON or OFF.
SHUTTER [ON]/OFF Sets the shutter speed/mode display to ON or OFF.
TAPE [ON]/OFF Sets the tape remaining display to ON or OFF.
AUDIO [ON]/OFF Sets the CH-1 audio level display to ON or OFF.
IRIS [ON]/OFF Sets the iris value display to ON or OFF.
2-1. Service Mode