
Choose one of the following options:
SUB: Check to turn the sound from the SUB on; uncheck to turn it off.
SUB Level Adjustment: Use the slider to increase or decrease the volume of the SUB. (You can use this setting to match
the subwoofer level to the level of your main speakers.)
Placement Adjustment (phase): Check or uncheck the box to adjust the phase.
Speaker Size Adjustment (Crossover): This setting only appears when the SUB is associated with a CONNECT:AMP
(ZonePlayer 120) or ZonePlayer 100. You may wish to choose a different setting from the drop-down list if:
the main speakers sound distorted at high volumes—moving to a smaller speaker size setting can help.
your attention is drawn to the SUB's location while listening to music— moving to a larger speaker size setting can
Recalibrating the SUB
After initial setup, you may wish to make some adjustments to optimize your SUB’s performance. If you move the SUB to
another location, purchase new speakers, or simply want to adjust the sound, follow the steps below to recalibrate the SUB.
Using a handheld Sonos Controller
Select Settings -> Room Settings.
Select the room that is associated with the SONOS SUB. It appears as Room (+SUB) on the Room Settings menu.
Select Advanced Audio -> Recalibrate SUB.
Follow the prompts to optimize your SUB’s performance:
Select the size of your stereo speakers (CONNECT:AMP or ZP100 only).
•Press Play to compare the volume of two test sounds, A and B, and then select No Difference, A is louder or B is
•Press Play to listen to a test sound, and then select the level you prefer.
1 Compact 110 Hz
2 100 Hz
3 90 Hz
4 Bookshelf / Ceiling 80 Hz
5 70 Hz
6 Floor 60 Hz
7 50 Hz