Weighing ranges
Max Maximum load of weighing range
Min Minimum load of weighing range
e= Calibration value (resolution)
SNR Serial number of scale (scale type, last digits of year
of manufacture, consecutive number)
EU conformity mark with year of affixing also start of
validity of verification
Precision class
D07-09-011 Number of EU approval
XXXX e.g. 0103, Official Code of "Notified Body"
(this body performed the initial calibration)
Symbol for EU calibration
Calibration counter status
1.5 Symbols
M1 Active measuring point (scale)
Active weighing range
Zero reading
Net weighing
Tare reading
Manual tare
Hold mode (The reading is fixed to improve legibility)
Total memory
Piece count mode
Alibi memory
O1-O4 Switching points (Outputs O1 - O4)
1.6 Description of the nameplate
Ba_3010_GB.qxd 03.04.2008 17:07 Seite 5