STEP 6a: Remove bolts securing impeller pulley
cover to blower, and remove cover.
STEP 6b: Check to see that blower belt is routed
around impeller pulley and idler pulleys after belt is
installed onto deck pulley. Then replace cover.
Tighten bolts securely. IMPORTANT: Never oper-
ate any mower without a pulley guard securely in
STEP 7: Slip tube of locking pin bracket into blow-
er mount, and secure with T-handle pin, making
sure pin goes through both upper and lower part of
blower mount. Then align base of pin bracket par-
allel with rear of deck, and, using bracket as a tem-
plate, drill two 7/16" holes through deck. Insert two
3/8-16 x 1" bolts up through deck and bracket,
securing with hex flange nuts. Tighten securely.
IMPORTANT: Use gloves when working under
deck. Sharp blades can cause injury.
STEP 8: Lay supplied pulley guard onto deck.
Align hole in front flange with front mounting hole
in deck, and secure with one of the two bolts
securing original guard. Do not tighten yet.
Align side flange of guard with side of deck, and,
using other hole in guard as a template, drill one
9/32" hole in deck and install other bolt. (NOTE:
Bolt is self-tapping.) Tighten both bolts securely.