
Owner’s Warranty Responsibilities
As the personal watercra ft o wner, y ou are respons ibl e for the performance of the
required maintenance listed in your Operator’s Guide . BRP recommends that you
retain all rec eipts covering maintenan ce on your personal waterc raft engine, but
BRP canno t deny warranty solely for the lack of rece ipts or your failure to ensure
the performance of all scheduled m a intenance.
As the personal watercraft owner, y ou should how ev er be aware tha t BRP m a y
deny you w a rran ty covera ge if y our personal watercraft engine or a part has failed
due to abuse, neglect, improper maintena nc e or unapproved m odifications.
You are responsible for p re senting your personal watercraft engine to a n au-
thorized B RP d ea ler as soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs wil l be
complete d in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.
If you have a ny questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities or for
the name a nd location of the neares t authorized BRP dealer you sho uld conta c t the
Custom er Services Group at 1 715 848-4957 .
* In the USA, products ar e distributed and serviced by BRP US Inc.
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