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Dirt or condensed moisture on the lens of the CD/DVD drive may impede and even
prevent the playback of data carriers.
In general, the playback of self-burned data carriers is possible, but it depends on the
used software and the settings made with it, so that there may be problems during
playback in individual cases. You can receive further information from the manufacturer
of your software.
Additional CD data carriers can be played back just like audio CDs.
It’s possible that CD-R/CD-RW data carriers can’t be played back correctly if they were
recorded by a device other than an audio CD recorder.
In addition, it may be the case that a data carrier (CD-R/CD-RW) recorded with an audio
CD recorder can’t be played back due to the conditional features, irregular formats, or
soiling of the data carriers.
The information recorded on the data carrier (ID3TAG) is displayed by this device.
After inserting a CD-RW data carrier, it takes a little longer for the playback to begin than
with regular CD or CD-R data carriers. Also read the guidelines on the sleeves of the CD-
R/CD-RW data carriers before you insert them.