Allows to set of the density to the pen of this device.
This setting is performed on the third hierarchy.
<Parameter (numerical value input method)>
0 to 100 Default value:
Pen 0=0, pen 1 to 15 (32) = 100
When the density of thin lines is decreased, plot may be produced in
dotted lines.
With the DSCAN format, plot is produced in 16 gradations.
• In the HP-GL format, density 0% is plotted in white.
• In the DSCAN format, density 0 to 5% is plotted in white.
Specified value
(mm (inch))
No. of
Specified value
(mm (inch))
No. of
0.00 to 0.06 (0.00 to 0.0024) 1 0.53 to 0.57 (0.0209 to 0.0224) 13
0.07 to 0.10 (0.0028 to 0.0039) 2 0.58 to 0.61 (0.0228 to 0.024) 14
0.11 to 0.14 (0.0043 to 0.0055) 3 0.62 to 0.65 (0.0244 to 0.0256) 15
0.15 to 0.19 (0.0059 to 0.0075) 4 0.66 to 0.69 (0.026 to 0.0272) 16
0.20 to 0.23 (0.0079 to 0.0091) 5 0.70 to 0.74 (0.0276 to 0.0291) 17
0.24 to 0.27 (0.0094 to 0.0106) 6 0.75 to 0.78 (0.0295 to 0.0307) 18
0.28 to 0.31 (0.011 to 0.0122) 7 0.79 to 0.82 (0.0311 to 0.0323) 19
0.32 to 0.35 (0.0126 to 0.0138) 8 0.83 to 0.86 (0.0327 to 0.0339) 20
0.36 to 0.40 (0.0028 to 0.0039) 9 0.87 to 0.91 (0.0343 to 0.0358) 21
0.41 to 0.44 (0.0142 to 0.0173) 10 0.92 to 0.95 (0.0362 to 0.0374) 22
0.45 to 0.48 (0.0177 to 0.0189) 11 0.96 to 0.99 (0.0378 to 0.039) 23
0.49 to 0.52 (0.0193 to 0.0205) 12 1.00 to 1.03 (0.0393 to 0.0406) 24
Specified value (%) Gradation Specified value (%) Gradation
0to5 1 50to56 9
6 to 12 2 57 to 62 10
13 to 18 3 63 to 68 11
19 to 24 4 69 to 74 12
25 to 30 5 75 to 81 13
31 to 37 6 82 to 87 14
38 to 43 7 88 to 93 15
44 to 49 8 94 to 100 16