Table of Contents Series 780S Instruction Manual
0-4 IM-78S-B
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Repair
Troubleshooting the Flow Meter.....................................4-1
Returning Equipment to the Factory.................................4-3
Appendix A Product Specifications
List of Figures
1-1. Series 780S Flow Sensing Principle .......................1-3
2-1. Flow Meter Orientation.......................................2-2
2-2. Wiring Access NEMA 4X Enclosures .....................2-4
2-3. Wiring Access Hazardous-Area Enclosures...............2-4
2-4. AC Input Power Connections...............................2-5
2-5. Ferrite Clamp Installation....................................2-5
2-6. DC Input Power Connections (NEMA 4X) ...............2-6
2-7. DC Input Power Connections (Hazardous-Area).........2-6
2-8. DC Output Signal Connections (NEMA 4X)..............2-7
2-9. DC Output Signal Connections (Hazardous-Area)........2-7
2-10. Load Resistance Versus Input Voltage.....................2-8
2-11. Isolated 4-20 mA Loop (NEMA 4X).......................2-9
2-12. Non-isolated 4-20 mA Loop (NEMA 4X).................2-9
2-13. Isolated 4-20 mA Loop (Hazardous-Area).................2-9
2-14. Non-isolated 4-20 mA Loop (Hazardous-Area)...........2-9
2-15. Isolated Alarm Connections (NEMA 4X).................2-10
2-16. Non-Isolated Alarm Connections (NEMA 4X) ..........2-10
2-17. Isolated Alarm Connections (Hazardous-Area) ..........2-11
2-18. Non-isolated Alarm Connections (Hazardous-Area) ....2-11
2-19. Remote Electronics to Sensor (NEMA 4X)...............2-12
2-20. J Box to Remote Enclosure (NEMA 4X).................2-12
2-21. Remote Electronics to Sensor (Hazardous-Area) ........2-12
2-22. J Box to Remote Enclosure (Hazardous-Area)...........2-13
2-23. Range Selection Wiring (NEMA 4X) .....................2-13
2-24. Range Selection Wiring (Hazardous-Area)...............2-13
3-1. Smart Electronics Device Locations ........................3-1
3-2. Magnetic Switch Operation..................................3-2
3-3. Electronics Validation Component Locations.............3-13
3-4. Sensor Validation Component Locations .................3-15
List of Tables
2-1. Pipe Length Requirements for Installation.................2-2
3-1. Electronics Validation Results..............................3-15
3-2. Sensor Validation Results...................................3-16