Section 6. Physical Chemical Characteristics
Boiling / Melting Point: Not applicable Specific Gravity: about 7.3
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Solubility in Water: Negligible
Vapor Density: Not applicable PH: Not applicable
Evaporation Rate: Not applicable Viscosity: Not applicable
Appearance: Fine powder Color: Black
Odor: Odorless
Section 7. Fire and Explosion Data
Flash Point (Method Used): Not applicable
Ignition Temperature: >350°C
Flammable Limits: (LEL); Not applicable (UEL); Not applicable
Extinguishing Media: CO2, dry chemical, foam or water
Special Fire Fighting Procedure: None
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazard: This material has no unusual fire or explosion hazards.
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: None
Sensitivity to Static Charge: None
Section 8. Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable
Incompatibility (Material to Avoid): None
Hazardous Decomposition: CO and NOx
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 9. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Personal Protection Information (Respiratory, Eye Protection and Protective Glove):
None required under normal use.
Engineering Control / Ventilation: Not required.
Work / Hygienic Practice: Not required.
Steps to be taken in case of Spill or Leak: Sweep up or clean up with vacuum cleaner.
Waste Disposal Method: Waste material may be dumped or incinerated under conditions
which meet all federal, state and local environmental regulations.
Section 10. Regulatory Information
NFPA Rating (U.S.A.): Health = 1 Flammability = 1 Reactivity = 0
WHMIS Legislation (Canada): This product is not a controlled product.
Transport Information: This product is not a hazardous material.
UN No.: None allocated.
Section 11. Other Information
References: IARC (1996) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans,
Vol. 65, Printing Process and Printing inks, Carbon Black and Some Nitro Compounds, Lyon, pp-
H. Muhle, B. Bellmann, O. Creutzenberg, C. Dasenbrock, H. Ernst, R. Kilpper, J. C. MacKenzie, P.
Morrow, U. Mohr, S. Takenaka, and R. Mermelstein (1991) Pulmonary Response to Toner upon
Chronic Inhalation Exposure in Rats. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17, pp. 280-299