ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[48] ESC ( s # W
1B,28,73,#,57] H Download character descriptor and data.
[data] [data]
27,40,115,#,87] D - The parameter # consists of 3 bytes of the descriptor
[data] <Attribute data format>
1 st 8 (Attribute format)
2 nd 0 (Continuation)
3 rd 1 (Acknowledge for the attribute data)
- Dot pattern data stream is translated as follows;
[49] ESC ) # @
1B,29,#,40] H Designates secondary font.
27,41,#,64] D - The default primary font which is currently selected
in the setup mode is set.
# = ”0”(30H)
Copy the default secondary symbol set to the
current secondary symbol set.
# = ”1”(31H)
Copy the default primary symbol set to the
current secondary symbol set.
# = ”2”(32H)
Copy the current primary symbol set to the
current secondary symbol set.
# = ”3”(33H)
Copy the default secondary font to the
current secondary font.