®All information is saved during power failure or
system shut-down and system returns to last
operating mode when power is restored
®Programmable presets and 24 hour de}ay timer
®Programmed "soft" transition from high to !ow fan
®Automatic Pro Clean System
®No batteries required
®Large LCD display
®Temperatures displayed in either °F or °C
System ON/OFF Burden
Press the ON/OFF bu_on to turn the cooler on or off. The
last used settings of COOL/VENT, set point, and FAN
(AUTO, HIGH, LOW) will be displayed
FAN Button
Pressing the FAN button will select either AUTO, HIGH,
or LOW fan speeds. In AUTO COOL, the cooler starts on
H_GH when the room temp is 2 °F above the set point
and starts on LOW when the room temperature is I °F
above the set point. When the room temperature is I°F
below the set point, the cooler shuts off. in either H_GH
COOL or LOW COOL the fan runs continuously at the
selected speed until the room temperature reaches I°F
below the set point.
COO_ENT Button
Press the COOLNENT button to turn the cooler media
pump on or off. When in the COOL mode, the last set
point and AUTO fan speed will be displayed. To change
the set point, press the up or down SET TEMP buttons.
To change the fan speed, press the FAN bu_on to
operate on HIGH, LOW or AUTO. If the media pump was
off for 10 minutes, the word '"¢¢AIT" will be dispiayed
indicating pre-wetting of the media. Pre-wetting takes 1
minute fol!owed by 30 seconds of HiGH fan, after which
the fan returns to the appropriate speed. When in VENT,
the fan wiii start in HIGH. To change to LOW, press the
FAN button. Only HiGH and LOW fan speeds are
available in VENT mode,
T_MER Button
The timer has a maximum of 24 hours of start or stop
delay and is adjustable in 1 hour increments.
To set system STOP deJay: Turn the cooler ON and
press the TIMER button. The word "STOP" will be
displayed along with "10 HRS FROM NOW". To increase
or decrease the deiay, use the '%" or "-" HOURS buttons.
Operating modes can be changed during the delayed
stop time period without affecting the T_MER, Pressing
the ON or T_MER buttons will cancel the delayed stop.
After the delay stop. time period, the system will remain
OFF until activated by the user.
To set system START deJay: Turn the cooler OFF and
press the TIMER button. The word "STAR:T" will be
displayed along with "10 HRS FROM NOW", To adjust
the start delay, use the "+" or "-" HOURS buttons to
increase or decrease the start delay time. Set the desired
operating mode and fan function.
Changes can be made at any time. Pressing the ON
button will cancet the delay start and turn the cooler ON,
Pressing the TIMER button will cancel the delay start
and the system wil! remain OFF After the delay period,
the cooier will turn ON and remain ON until deactivated
by the user.
Press the ROOM TEMP button to display room
temperature. The room temperature will be displayed for
6 seconds, The ROOM TEMP function can be used in
any operating mode including system OFF, Note: Due to
the variation in accuracy from one thermostat to the
next, there wi_f be some variation in the room
temperature displayed by different thermostats.
Automatic: Pro Clean System
Your cooler is equipped with two LSP-93 "low sump"
pumps, The cooler pump supplies water to the media
and the drain pump dumps the contents of the sump
every 5 hours of media pump operation. The sump
automatically fiils with fresh water. The drain cycle is
controlled automatically by the Pro-Stat and the word
"DRAIN" will flash on the display while the drain cycle is
Pressing the DRAIN Button will activate the drain pump
for 1 _ minutes and cause the timed drain cycle to reseL
The word "DRA_N" will flash on the display. The DRAIN
cycle can be initiated in any operating mode including
system OFR ff the DRAIN cycle is initiated during a
prewet cycle, the word "WAIT" will flash on the dispiay,
and the DRA_N cycle will start after the prewet cycle is
compieted, The DRAIN button can be used to drain the
cooler at the end of the season by first closing the water
suppiy to the cooler.
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