On initialstartup oraftera Filterchange,
turnthe water on and rinsethe Filterfor5
mlnutes toremove carbon finesand
expel excess air.
For best results, after setting over night or
after several hours of non-use, turn the
system on and rinse the filter for 15
seconds before using.
You are now ready to enjoy your
EcoWater Countertop Water Filter.
System performance and reduction of
contaminants Isdetermined by proper
flow rote. This unit as tested under ANSI/
NSF Standards 53 & 42 must be used at a
flow rate no greater than 0.75 gpm.
Exceeding this flow rate will affect the
ability of the system to reduce contami-
nant levels.
Your Countertop Water Filter comes with
a digital meter that shows you how
much filter fife is left at any given time. To
preserve battery life the display is only
acltvated when you draw water through
the tilter or press the "Display* button.
There are three informational screens
that can be viewed by pressing the
display button.
Screen 1: Caoacltv Remalnina
This display mode shows the remaining
capacity of your filter in gallons, (see
figure 7), in this case 500 gallons,
The unit of measure iseither galtons or
liters, depending on the programming at
the factory. The water drops at the
bottom of the screen graphically show
how much of the capacity of your filter
remains, much like a fuel gauge. By
pressing the display button you can
move on to the next display mode,
Months Remaining,
Figure 7
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