Stain Removal
Remove stain before washing item. If you treat stain with a
flammable solution, wash item in a basin before machine
washing item.
For specific kinds of stains, follow the directions below.
Use mildest treatment first. Avoid using hot water on un-
identified stains; it may "set" the stain. Never iron a stain.
Never put highly flammable substances like gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, waxes, cooking oils, etc. into a washer
or dryer. Never [Jutarticles that have been cleaned with such substances in a washer or dryer. ]Failure to comply
with these warnings could result in a fire, explosion or bodily injury. All items with these suhstances on them
should be thoroughly hand-washed with a detergent so that no trace of the flammable substance remains. The
articles can then be machine washed or dried.
AirplaneGlue SpBngewith fingernailoolish removerto dissolve glue. Wash in warm water. For acetate,
oo no[ usefingernail polish removercontaining acetonebecause it will dissolve the fabric.
AlcoholicBeverages Sponge immediately withcold water, thenwash in warm water. Removeold stains with
oxygen bleacn.
Bleed - - _. ..... Sponge with cold water, or soak in cold water with a laundry pro-soak product. Then wash
CandleWax - Removeexcesswax. Pressbetween blotters with moderately hot iron. Sponge with clean-
mg fluid. Wash. Bleachremaining stain with oxygenbleach.
ChewingGum Hardenwith ice cube and removeexcess. Sponge with cleaning fluid. Wash normally.
ChlorineBleach Soak in 2 tablespoons sodium hypo-sulfite to 1 quart water. Or removeyellow with
commercialcolor remover. :{inse, then wash normally.
Chocolate Soak in warm water with a pre-soak product. Wash in lukewarm detergent solution. Use
solvent to removeany greasespots. See .,',WARNING
Coffee Soak in coo! water. Wash. Bleach remaining stain with oxygen bleach.
CosmeticStains Pretreat before washing, f greasy, treat with a grease solvent. Wash in warm water with
alenty of detergent Bleachremaining stain with oxygenbleach. See ,&WARNING!
Crayon .... Sameas for candlewax.
Cream, Ice Cream Soak in (:oldwater, f greasespot remains, sponge with cleaning fluid.
Deodorant Sponge with whitevinegar. Forstubborn stains, saturate cotton with denatured alcohol.
.. Wash.
DyeTransfer - 4Na_h. Bleach remaining stain with oxygen bleach.
Fabric SoftenerSpots Wet fabric, rub spots with mnldbar soap,r,nse. Repeatif necessary, do not use bleach
Fresh Fruit,Wine --- Sponge with warm water. Wash. Bleach remaining stain with oxygen bleach.
Grass Soak in warm water with a pre-soak product. Wash. Bleach remaining stain with oxygen
GreaseandTar Usea spot remover. Wash with detergent. See _.WARNING
Ink Washable ink: Rub in detergent or glycerine, thenwash in warm detergent water. Bleach
remaining stain with oxygen bleach. Ball 3oint: Spongewith cleaning fluid or alcohot. Wash
in warm water. Bleachwnthoxygen bleach. See _.WARNINGr
Lipstick Sponge with solvent. Wash in warm detergent solution. Bleach remaining stain with oxygen
bleach. See _,WARNINGI
Mildew (light) W_sh. Bleachremaining stain by soaking m an oxygen bleach solution. Wash in hot or
warm delergent water.
NailPolish - .....--'---Treatwith nail polish remover. Foracetate, do not use fingernail polish remover containing
. - acetone becauseit will dissolvefabric.
Paint • Bdore washing, treat withturpentine orsolvent, depending on type of paint. See
Sponge fresh stain with ammonia, old stain with white vinegar. Rinse. Soak in warm water
with a pre-soak product. Follow with warm wash.
Neveruse oxalic acid or rust remover containing acid in or around washer. Itwill damage
porcelain surfaces. Instead, use a rust removerdesignedfor water softeners ora laundry
aid rust remover.
Scorch_''::1_::_'!' '- ° Wash. Bleachwith mild oxygen bleach.
Pour boiling water throughstain. Bleachwith oxygen bleach
Same procedure. Use hot water.
Same procedure. Use chlorine bleach.
Wash in hot water.
Same procedure. Wash in tier water.
Bleachremaining stains.
Sameprocedure except use chlorine
Same procedure.
Soak in warqnwater with a pro-soak or
detergent sdution. Bleach remaining
Sameprocedure. Use chlorine bleach.
Sameprocedure. Use chlorine bleach
and hot waler wash.
Same as for candlewax. If stain has
spread throughout load of clothes,
wash with hot water, soapand 1 cup
baking soda. Orwash with detergent or
soapand chlorine bleach•
Same procedure.
Same procedure.
Wash. Bleachremaining stain.
Same procedure.
Pour boilingwater through stain.
Bleachremaining stain.
Soak in war'n water with a pre-soak
product. Wash. Bleach remaining stain.
Same procedure.
Same procedure. Use hot water Bleach
remaining s!ain
Spongewitl solvent. Wash in hat
detergent s,:lution. Bleach.
Wash. Bleachremaining stain by soak-
ing in chlorine bleachsolution. Wash in
hot or warm detergentwater.
Same procedure.. _
Same procedure. Wash in hot water.
Same procedure.
Wash. Bleachwith chlorine bleach.
Same procedure. Usechlorine bleach.
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