NOTE: The gear case is filled to proper level at the
factory° The only time the lubricant needs atten-
tion, is if service has been performed on the gear
The gear case must be filled with grease after gear
case has been serviced. Use only multi-purpose
automotive grease. Do not substitute.
MOWER WHEELS: Lubricating wheels and/or
wheel bearings is not necessary under normal
Should conditions require lubrication, thoroughly
clean wheels and/or wheel bearings and axles
and apply a light coating of dry lubricant such as
white graphite. White graphite is available at
Sears retail stores and through the catalog,
REAR DOOR HINGE: Put a few drops of the same
oil as used in the engine on hinge points of rear
door once or twice each year (See Fig, 22)°
GEAR CASE: The gear case is filled at the factory
and does not require any addition of lubricant,
unless the gear case is opened and service
performed. Use only a multi-purpose automotive
grease for refilling after service has been per-
formed° Approximately 2 1/2 oz. required°
FRONT WHEEL ADJUSTERS: Put a few drops of the
same oil as used in the engine on the front wheel
adjusters once or twice each year (See Fig° 23).
Check your grass catcher often_ Through normal
use it will wear° If catcher needs replacing, re-
place only with a manufacturer approved replace-
ment catcher from Sears. Give the mower model
number when ordering,
NOTE: The catcher may be hosed with water, but
must be dry when used,
Put one or two drops of the same oil as used in
the engine between the zone control lever and
bracket located on left rear of engine (See Fig_
24). Do this once or twice each year_
Check your zone/engine control cable often for
defects or wear and replace if found to be dam-
aged or worn,
CAUTION: Disconnect spark plug wire from spark
plug and place wire where it cannot come in con-
tact with the spark plug.
1. Turn mower on its side with carburetor up,
-- ,,j,
FIG 25
FIG 27
2_ Clean the underside of your mower by scrap-
ing to remove build,up of grass and trash,
NOTE: We recommend that you clean the under-
side of your mower after each use.
3. Clean your mower and engine often to keep
build-up of trash from accumulating around
engine, a clogged engine runs hotter and
shortens engine life.
NOTE: We DO NOT recommend using a garden
hose to clean mower unless the electrical system,
muffler, air filter, and carburetor are covered to
keep water out_ Water in engine can result in
shortening engine life_