
These accessories and attactanents were avai_aMe thro sgh most Sears retail outlets and senrice centers when the tractor was purchased
Most Sears stores cars order these terns for you when you provide the modeJ numl er of your tract(y.
Sears offers a wide variety of att_ chments that fit your tractor_ Many of these are %ted below with brief explanations of how they (;an help
you This _istwas current at the tree of publication; however, t may change in future years - r'nore attachreents may be added changes
may be made }n these attachments er some may _o beget be ave }abie or fit your _odeL Contact your nearest Sears store for the
accessories and attachments that are available for year tractor.
Most of these attachments do not reqaire additional h tches or conversion kits (those iha_ do are indicated} and are designed for easy
attaching and detaching.
AERATOR promotes deep root growth for a healthy lawn. 'Ta_
pored 2.54rich stee_ spikes mounted on 10 inch diameter discs
punctare hobs in soii at cone inter,vals to _et moisture soak in
Stee_ weight tray for increased penetration
BAGGER lets you collect grass clippings and bares for a
healthier, nearer looking lawn. 'Two Permaeex containers hotd
30_ga_lon plastic bag&
BUMPER protects front end of tractor from damage
DARTS make hauiing easy Vade!i_ of szes availabie, pk_s
accessories such as side panei kits, too_ caddy, cad cover,
pratective mat and doly
CORING AERATOR takes small plugs out of soil to allow mo}s
ture and nutrients to reach grass _oots. 36inch swath. 24
hardened steel coring tips 150 _b.capac ty weight tray
EASY O_L DRAIN VALVE makes o;_changes easier_ faster.
FRONT NOSE ROLLER canters ir front of mower deck to reduce
chances of scalping '_on uneven terrain
GANG H_TCN iets you taw 2or 3 pui. behind attachments at once
such as sweepers dethatchers, aerators (not for use w}th tel}era,
caps or other heavy attachments)
GAUGE WHEELS on both sides of the mower deck _educe
chances d '°sca_ping"on uneven terrain For mower decks not so
SNOW BLADE forsnow removat say 14qnch high424nch wide
Made ciears 38qnch path when angled _eftor dght Raises, b,aers
with side bver Adiustab!e skds rep_aceaMe, reversiMe scraper
bar (Use with tire chains and wheel we ghts andor rear drawbar
SNOWTRROWER has 40._rich swath Drum_type auger h_ndles
powdery and weVheavy snow Mounts easily wit'_ simple pn
arrangement. Discharge chute adjusts from tractor seat. 6qnch
diameter spout discharges snow !0 to 50 feet. Lft contro_bd at
tractor seat (Use with chains and whe®_ weghts anWor rear
SPRAYERS use 12-volt DC e_eetdc motor that connects to the
tractor battery sr other 12ovott source nciudes booms for
SPREADER/SEEDERS make seed ng fert Izing and weed ki_l._
ng easy. Broadcast spreaders a_e abe useful _or granular d@
_:els and sand.
SWEEPERS _etyou collect grass clippings and teaves.
T_LLER has 5 hp engine and 36- nch swath to prepare seed beds,
cultivate and compost garden residue. Titler has its own builtoin
MULCH RAK_DETHATCHER loosens aoi! and flips thatch and
drawbar and go! Optiona_ accessories conved unit for
dethatching_ aerating, hilling ,without tools,
T_RE CHAINS are heavy duty; closely spaced extraqarge cross
_inksgive smooth ride, outstanding traction.
MULCH|NG CLOSE_OUT PLATE K_T, once insta_ed, lets you
RAMP TOPS AND FEET let you bad and unload tractor from a
pickup truck. Use with 2 x 8 or 2 x 10 _umber
ROLLER for smeother _awn sudace. 364nch wide, 18.cinch
diameter water4ight drum holds up to 390 tbs_ofweight Rounded
edges prevent harm to tad. Adjustable scraper autoraaticat_y
cleans dram
visibility, Hinged metal doors with catch Keeps operator warm
and d_, Remove vinyl eden and windshields for use as sun
protector n summer Opt_ona! accessories I_cl_de, tinteW
tempered solid salety glass windshield with hand operated wiper
12_volt amber caution Hght for mounting on cab top.
VAC$ for powedui coi/ection of heavy grass clippings and ieaves,
Opt_oaa! wand attachment to pick up debris in hard to-reach
p_aces, VAC/CHIPPER includes a chipper shredder
WEIGHT BRACKET tot drawbar for snow removal applications
Uses (1) 55/b, weight,
WHEEL WEIGHTS for rear wheels provide needed traction for
snow removal or dozing heavy mateda}s.