The FAT BURN and AEROBIC programs automatically
control the speed and incline of the treadmill to keep
your pulse within a predetermined range during your
workouts. Both programs are 30-minute programs. The
speed profiles on the left side of the console show how
your pulse will change during each program. Each pro-
gram begins with a warm-up period, and ends with a
cool-down period.
To use one of these programs, follow the steps below.
U Make sure that the key Is fully Inserted Into the
Stand on the foot rails
and insert the key.
Various displays and in-
dicators will light. Find
the clip attached to the
key, and slide it onto the
waistband of your cloth-
Select the FAT BURN or AEROBIC program.
Press the FAT BURN or
AEROBIC button. An in-
dicator will light next to
the button you press.
Note: If the walking belt
is moving, it will slow to
a stop.
Enter your welghL
When the FAT BURN or AEROBIC program isse-
lected, the letters "LbS" will flash in the CALORIES
display. You must enter your weight and age before
either of these programs can be started. To enter
your weight, see step 3 on page 11. If you have al-
ready entered your weight, you must press one of
the WEIGHT buttons to verify the weight setting.
Enter your age.
After you have completed step 3, the letters =AGE"
will flash in the PULSE display. To enter your age,
see step 4 on page 11. If you have already entered
your age, you must press one of the AGE buttons to
verify the age setting.
[_'.! Put on the pulse sensor.
The pulse sensor must be worn when the FAT BURN
or AEROBIC program isused. To puton the i_ulse
.... sensor_see HOW TOJ-_r_t ,,_:_., _=_,.'_, _,v. I
SENSOR on page 8. , | T I
Plug the pulse sensor_,_ _ _ '_ _ ' I
wire fullyinto the jack I I
on the front ofthe con- I _"_
sole. Note: The FAT
BURN and AEROBIC programs can be startedwith-
out your pulse being detected; however, the pro-
grams will automatically stop if your pulse isnot de-
tected 2 minutes after the programs are started.
r_ Press the START/PAUSE button to start the pro-
When the START/
PAUSE button is
pressed, the TIME dis-
play will begin count-
ing down from 30 min-
utes. After a moment,
the walking belt will
begin to move. Hold the handrails and carefully
begin walking.
The indicators
below the
speed profiles
will show the
progress of
the program.
During the first
2 minutes of the program, the indicator above the
number 2 will light.After 2 minutes, the indicators
above the numbers 2 and 4 will light. After 4 min-
utes, the indicators above the numbers 4 and 6 will
light, and so on. The speed and inclineof the tread-
mill will change periodically to keep your pulse
within a predetermined range, shown by the speed
profiles. When the time shown in the TIME display
reaches zero, the walking belt will slow to a stop and
the program will be completed.
Note: If your pulse is
not detected during
the program, the NO
indicator will light and
the letters "PLS" will
flash in the PULSE
PULSE READINGS on page 8.) If your pulse is not
detected at the end of any 2-minute period during
the program (after 2 minutes, after 4 minutes, after 6
minutes, etc.), the program will automatically stop.
Note: Minor adjustments can be made tothe speed
or incline ofthe treadmill during the program by
pressing the SPEED or INCLINE buttons. However,