.... 1_014
DRY: is abbreviated for "DI=HUMIDIP{ "
FqH: is abbreviated for "Relative Humidity"
"C: is abbreviated for the "Celsius" scale
"F: is abbreviated for the "Farenheight mscale
When the unit is first connected to an electrical (outlet)
power s_Jpply,the (green) pilot light located above the
"ON/OFF" keypad flashes continuously. The flashing
light indicates a "power interruption"occurred and will stop
only after the unit is switched on using the on/off keypad.
This condition occurs each time the unit is disconnected
(unplugged) and re-connected, and/or in the event of a
power fadure.
Factory Default Setting
Each time the unit is switched on after being
disconnected/re-connected and/or in the event of a power
failure, the electronic clrouit board automatically defaults
to the following factory setting,
Mode: Dry
RH: 60%
Fan Speed: High
"C: Scale
All previous settings are automatically erased/cancelled.
Therefore, ff your program setting was different than the
above, you will have to re-set the original program. When
the unit is "manually" switched "on/off _ (using the onleff
keypad) the unit will default to the Last program setting
i_ --FAN
On/Off Fleshing Light