V Length
Stremh Stitch
The stitch length controt regulates the length of stitch, and also has a stretch
stitches setting.
The higher the number, the longer the stitch.
0 means no feed.
To select Stretch Stitches, set this control at Stretch Stitch.
When you select decorative stitches (green) or built-in buttonhole
(blue), make sure that you do not set the stitch length control at
"Stretch Stitch".
Study the orange, green, yeIlow and blue section around this
control. These are recommended zones of stitch length and color-
coded to the stitches pictured on the stitch indicator panel.
{n stretch stitch sewing, the stretch stitch
adjuster should usually be in a neutral
position (between "+'" and "-" or
position), When sewing some fabrics, you
may need to adjust this controt to
balance the stitches for appearance sake.
If design seems open like the illustrations
to the left, adjust the control slightly
toward "'-" until design looks like the
center design.
If the design appears to be c_osed as in
the right hand illustrations, turn the
conllol toward "'+" until stitching _s as
you desire.